
Konečná & Zacha, s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
Lazarská 1718/3
110 00 Praha 1 - Nové Město
Czech republic | map
Identification No.: 27112331
Tax Identification No.: CZ 27112331
Phone: +420 221 990 455
Fax: +420 221 990 450
Contact person: Radka Konečná
Registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Part C, Inset No. 149661.
Information for consumers
The Czech Bar Association has 5.2.2016 been entrusted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic with out-of-court consumer dispute settlement concerning the disputes between the attorneys-at-law and consumers arising out of the provision of legal services pursuant to Section 14 of Act no. 634/1992 Coll., Consumers Protection Act, as amended. The website of the respective body is

Konečná & Zacha, s.r.o.,
Ventúrska 12
811 01 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Slovak Republic | map
Identification No.: 35891556
Tax Identification No.: SK2021853086
Phone: +421 254 418 470
Fax: +421 254 418 471
Contact person: Radka Konečná
The company is registered in the Regional Court of Bratislava I, Section Sro, Insert no. 32280 / B.

Konečná & Zacha S.P.A.R.L.
15 Aleea Dealul Mitropoliei - Sector 4
040163 Bucharest
Romania | map
Tax Identification No.: RO22748119
Phone: +40 311 054 001
Fax: +40 311 054 002
Contact person: Andrei Constantinescu
Limited liability law firm registered with the Bar Association in Bucharest, Romania by Decision 1163/2014, with partners Radka Konecna and Tomas Zacha, and collaborating attorney Adrian Achimescu.

Advokatsko druzhestvo Konecna & Zacha
Sredetz Region
37 Prof. Fridtjof Nansen St., 3rd floor
Sofia 1142
Bulgaria | map
Tax Identification No.: BG175869779
Phone: +359 2 98 99 100
Fax: +359 2 98 99 099
Contact person: Petko Iliev
Registered in the Law Firm Registry maintained by the Sofia City Court under file No. 199/2010 with partners Radka Konečná, Tomáš Zacha and Petko Iliev.